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Other Features

Optimized code

A preeminent advantage that pleases all potential developers, can transform from a simple to the most complex, most versatile system.

Booking Report

Clear interface, detailed statistics chart, high logic will greatly support managers.

Fully Responsive

Perfect Responsive is the most effective way to win customers. All information, images are presented clearly, neatly and cleanly.

Maximum speed rating

One of Laravel's outstanding advantages is Speed, websites built on this platform never mind have to think about the problems of website speed optimization.

Retina Ready

All of the graphics in our theme are of high resolution to ensure that your website looks crisp on modern displays.

Make Review

Make a review for all services, with some options, allows required booked or no need can make reviews.

Social Login

Integrated by built-ins with Google, Facebook login. Difference register form normal user and Partner / Vendor user.

Support Location

Support Location post type for build location structure by your way. Included lat & longtidule of Google Map.

Translate tool built-in

Tool compiled the built-in language, customers just follow the Document and personalize the text to suit their intended use.

Lazy Load

Increase performance of your website with lazy load image.

And Much More